I'm thankful for:
*God's love, forgiveness, and provision. He has blessed me in ways I could have never imagined (most of which will be listed below). We have really felt His hand in our engagement and wedding planning as we've been able to get everything together so quickly and perfectly.
* My amazing and perfect-for-me fiance. Stephen is truly a gift from God and I am so excited to see how our lives will continue to be woven together when we become husband and wife. I can't wait to start our own family traditions for the holidays and to see where God takes our lives. The next year or so is going to be full of changes and adventures and I'm looking forward to taking them on together!
* My family- they're the best. Yeah, we don't all live close by and we don't see each other as often as we'd all like, but they are a blessing. All of them. We've expanded in the past year and will continue to do so as we get older and get married and start new branches of the family tree. I can't wait to see them all at our wedding!
*My new family- The Rabons. So we're not legally family yet, but I'm marrying into a family full of wonderful people who have raised Stephen to be the man he is and the man I love. I don't get to see them often, but I look forward to spending lots of time together in the future as our families join together to be one big family.
*My friends (aka the family by bonds instead of blood)- I have incredible friends. And the amazing thing about my friends is that I know I can count on all of them no matter what the situation whether I have known them for a year or 10 years. I can't wait to get us all together for the fantasy football party and the wedding... it's going to be so much fun. I'm so glad everyone gets along because I love having everyone in one place!
*My job- during a time when a lot of people are losing or have lost their jobs, I don't take for granted the fact that I am still gainfully employed. And I enjoy my job- I work in a ministry that "trains up children in the way they should go..." and I have some really great co-workers.
*That I live in the land of the free because of the brave-- I am so thankful that there are men and women in uniform who are out there serving the rest of us with such dedication and sacrificing time with their own families.
And now for the little things/ superficial things (in no particular order):
Running at a beautiful park, puppies (Paco might be a daddy again soon!) , Mom's home cooking for a few more months, Facebook- it keeps me in contact with friends and family who live far away, Chipotle- without which Stephen might never eat, laughing until I cry, our incredible engagement pictures (see below), cool toys like my iPhone and Nike+, Book Club, random balloon/Lego rescue missions at the Nugget, my car for having the soul of a monster truck in the body of a Corolla, Stephen's blanket- it's so warm and cozy, Glee, The Big Bang Theory, Chuck, and Lost, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Okay, so maybe not that last one, but the list could go on.
Here are a few of our amazing engagement pictures, taken by Charlotte Geary.

New Totals:
Since October 20: 37.7 miles
Since April 10: 132.08 miles
I've got a Turkey Day running date with Sandi tomorrow while the boys play basketball and Jack cheers them on. Should be a great start to a day filled with family and food! :)
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