In Fallon, we got to see Mom, Dad, Holly, Ashlyn, Gram, Grandpa, Nana, Papa, CD, Ash, Slade, Uncle Gary, Aunt Laura, Gabriel, Arianna, Gianna and Katelyn. Not to mention a visit from Nikki, Aaron and Parker Glass! And of course the pups: Lily, Paco, Sasha, Caddy and Mo. It was a great week full of good food, softball games and lots of just hanging out and catching up. I hadn't seen Nana & Papa and the Pinedas in almost a year, so that was really nice.
Then, after we returned to Colorado, Stephen's parents and sister drove out from Nashville to spend a couple weeks with us. Dan and Brandi came down from Craig so we had the entire Rabon clan together for the first time since our wedding, I think. We left Texas at Christmas the day Dan came (we only saw each other in the airport) so that doesn't really count. We all got to spend 4th of July weekend together-- playing softball and volleyball and enjoying catching up. Then the next weekend Dan came back and Mike, Marcie, Dan, Matt, Stephen and I hiked in Rocky Mountain National Park to Mills Lake. It was a great visit and even though Stephen and I worked, we got a good amount of quality time.
And now, despite the fact that it's only July, we're a mere two weeks away from the first week of school. Our staff week is the first week in August (setting up classrooms, etc.) and then the kiddos return on August 9. It's been a crazy busy two weeks at the school getting all the supplies ordered and class lists made and finding a new teacher as one from last year has decided to move on. The transition has been a lot of work and craziness but I think that we're going to have a great year with the set up we have now. I'm really excited to see some of the kids who didn't come to our summer program and get to know the new children. It will be here before we know it and I'm looking forward to my second school year there.
For those who don't already know, Stephen was promoted at the end of June to Store Manager. I, of course, am very proud of my husband and how hard he works to provide for this family. He's going through transition at work, too, and so has been working very hard to get everything set up and ready to go. He's doing an amazing job (but really, did anyone doubt that he would??) and he's learning the ins and outs of the new position. He's very humble and didn't want to make a big announcement, so I'm just going to brag about him here :) I'm pretty sure it's my job as his wife and I love doing it.
Stephen will be going to Vegas at the end of August again with the SuperMan League to draft for Fantasy Football so I have been in talks with Sandi to get her out here for another visit. She's got the time off and Chris' blessing and has been looking at plane tickets so I think it's a go! I'm VERY excited about this. Catching up and mischief to follow!