As always, God provides. I am now gainfully employed at the very job which I mentioned applying for in my previous post. I've worked at Parker Montessori for two weeks now and I really like it there. Everyone that I work with is very nice and the kids are really cute. I have most of the ~85 children's names memorized, though some children take a little longer to recall because I only see them two days per week. The parents that I've met so far have been friendly, too. AND there's a Del Taco and a Chipotle within a block of my work. This could spell trouble for my bank account and waistline, but I've been good so far :) The drive to Parker isn't too bad (about 15 miles)-- I use the back up at Lincoln Ave. to check my email on my phone since I currently have to wait 3-4 cycles of the stoplight to turn due to construction-- and the area where the school is located is really nice. It is just outside of downtown Parker, which has cute older buildings, and there is a nice park right across the street. Here's the Google Earth image of the front of the school:

My desk looks out that window just to the left of the door. :) I have busy days, which is nice because they go by very quickly. There's always something to do and I do spend some time with the kids (Thursdays and Fridays I supervise the nap room for 30 minutes-- there are 4-5 kids) which is fun. I spent some time with the toddlers one morning (we had a teacher out and I filled in for 15-20 minutes to maintain proper ratio until I could be relieved) and they are just so cute.
At the risk of really grossing some people out, I have to mention how awesome marriage is. Being married to Stephen has been the most amazing experience of my life. It is so amazing because even though we've only been married for five months, I feel like we've been married forever-- like this is the way life was meant to be and we've finally reached the perfect state of things. Living with your best friend is so fun. We have a great time together, even if it's just sitting on the couch watching episodes of the West Wing. I like getting to do "wife things" for him, like cooking dinner and trying new recipes. Lately I have made jambalaya and salsa chicken, both for the first time, and we were able to talk about what we liked about each recipe and what we'd do differently for next time. We just bought a grill Friday night and we're both excited to use it. We had steaks the first night (thanks to Brandon helping us pick it out and teaching us how to cook them). I decorated our house for fall, which really I probably would have never cared to do before, because it's ours and I want it to look nice. We get to talk about the future and where we and our little family will be a few years from now. We talk about how awesome (and cute!) our future children will be. Being married just feels right. It feels like this is where I belong. If there's one thing that this move has proven, it's that my home is where Stephen is. I miss my family and friends and lifestyle in California (and yes, I get homesick for the people and places "back home" from time to time) but there is no way I would have been able to adjust this well to life in Colorado if it weren't for the comfort and security that having Stephen provides.
Again I'll say... God is good.