4th of July weekend I was lucky enough to be able to take a couple trips to say goodbye to some of the natural wonders we have here in California.
Friday, Stephen and I drove up to the Avenue of the Giants to see the Redwoods. We drove through the Chandelier Tree, drove the entire 32 mile Avenue and enjoyed exploring in the forest. We also had a lovely drive up and back talking and singing and sleeping (okay so maybe only I slept-- we didn't get home til almost midnight!). It was a lot of fun getting to spend the entire day together and going somewhere beautiful.
On Monday, Sandi and I took Jack to the beach for the first time. We went to Stinson Beach, which has been my favorite beach for years. I've been going there with friends and family for a few years now for fun, for healing, for reflection and for a gorgeous view. I've gone on the spur of the moment and just sat there taking it all in. The first time that Sandi and I went (by accident of course), we were both pretty close to tears at the beauty. We made it in time to see the sun setting... it was amazing. Add to that some "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin and lets just say it was a once in a lifetime experience. When Sandi's Tio Mario died, I took her to Stinson Beach. It was windy and overcast but the waves have a way of soothing the soul. When Stephen moved to California, I took him and Brandon to Stinson and we ate hot dogs on the beach and those two crazy guys went in the freezing water while I watched from the warmth of the rocks. Stephen and I went there on a long, beautiful drive with his dad (and continued on to Pt. Reyes). And now to add to lots of wonderful memories, I can say I was there for Jack's first beach experience. :)
I'm not sure what other places I'll be able to make it to before we leave, but I am so happy to have been able to see those two before we go.
My last day at work will be July 28, Stephen's will be July 29, our lease ends July 31 and we're leaving town on August 1. It's going to be a busy rest of the month!