We're three weeks away from being Mr. and Mrs. Rabon! I can't wait!
Big changes since the last time I wrote:
Stephen and I have secured our first apartment! We'll be moving into Sandpiper Village here in Vacaville on April 1. Well, Stephen will move in and we'll be moving over all of the amazing bridal shower & wedding presents we have received so far. Then I will join him after the wedding. We don't exactly have a lot of furniture, but it's our place and I can't wait to share it with him! We sign the lease tomorrow afternoon and then I'll do the walk through and get the keys Wednesday afternoon. I am so happy to have this taken care of.
Today was my bridal shower thrown by my amazing bridesmaids. Everything was wonderful- there were about 13 people there and two very adorable boys (Slade and Jack). They did a great job on the food, the decor, the games and everything. Plus I made out like a bandit. Our entire living room is filled with presents and there are quite a few that Stephen doesn't get to see...yet :) I'm so blessed to have amazing friends who love me enough to throw such a great party for me.
Lately I've been doing lots of designing of things- you can see our place cards above. I also randomly made programs one day and they are sooo pretty! I really like them-- which is hilarious since I didn't think I wanted them. Funny how that works out.
All of our final payments are coming due... which is less than exciting. Our final Charlotte payment has been put on my card- that'll take a couple payments but I am hoping to get some help on that one. The florist gave me the final amount today so we'll put a check in the mail for that. Bakery is due 10 days prior. Venue will be charged to Dad's card automatically 14 days prior and then reconciled depending on actual usage afterward. DJ is due night of. I can't believe how quickly it's coming up and how far away it still seems. I am looking forward to having everything come together. It's all compartmentalized in my head so I'm eager to see the whole picture.
I am so excited to see everyone and have every one together. It's going to be awesome.