Thursday, October 29, 2009
It's a love story, baby just say yes...
So, my new totals are:
Since Restart: 12.48 miles
Since April: 106.80
Wedding Notes:
-Engagement pictures are a week from Saturday. I'm praying that global warming will hit Colorado so I don't die of hypothermia.
-I neglected to mention in my last wedding post that I have made an alterations appointment for January 9th. Yay more progress.
- My shoes are scheduled to arrive next week!!
I purchased an iPhone on Tuesday night with the help of Stephen and Mike. It's pretty much the coolest toy ever!! It also gives me the ability to track my fantasy football team on the go (like I need that...) and I love that. Sundays are saved!! I can do other things and still obsess about my team!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
On Running...

Nike was nice enough to give me the above certificate for (finally) going over 100 miles since I started using my Nike+ Sensor. It took 43 runs to get there, but I made it. Today was a 2.03 mile run (my 44th total). The park I run at is just beautiful right now. The trees (and there are many of them) are starting to change colors so it's this beautiful symphony of green, red, orange, and yellow. Plus, running there around 5pm means the light comes beautifully through the trees when I run the back stretch and I wish I had my camera at the ready. Running and taking pictures at the same time could prove to be impossible. I really enjoy running there more than anywhere else.
I realized that I didn't really set my running parameters at the start of this blog. I do not intend to run every day (at least not yet, maybe one day!). I plan to go every other day, if possible. My poor legs need that day of rest. I am still alternating walking and running, though I hope that as my endurance increases, I can run the whole time.
The most important thing though, is that I am not running for the purpose of losing weight. If I do, that's a great side effect, but obsessively tracking minor weight fluctuations has been part of the reason this didn't work before. The last time that I did this, I was also counting calories ( eating 1300 or less each day, per the recommendation of for losing 1.5 lbs. a week) every day. When you are tracking your eating and exercising and not losing ANYTHING, it is very discouraging. Stephen told me that I needed to give it more time, but those who know me know I'm not a patient person at times. So, despite the fact that my Wii Fit so lovingly tells me that I'm overweight (Stephen and I did Wii Fit yesterday and my abs hate me today...jackknives are my friend and enemy in one), I'm going to do this to feel better. To feel healthier. To look healthier maybe, but not to get to a goal weight. Or a goal pant size. I think this is a much better way for me to do this.
Nike Running has challenges that you can take part in to make the process more fun and have some friendly competition. I'm not too competitive, so I joined one today called Across America. It tracks your total distance and plots where you are based on the cross country run done by Paul Staso in 2006. It goes from Oregon to Delaware. 3,260 miles in all. So, at my point I have just crossed over from Oregon to Washington. It started at Elsie, Oregon and I crossed over just past Portland. Here's the route: Run Across America. It took him only 18 weeks. It will most likely take me a few years, but it would be amazing to finish!
If anyone has song suggestions for running, let me know!
New Totals:
Since Restart: 8.32 miles
Since April: 102.63 miles
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wedding Party
Despite the fact that 4 out of 6 of my bridesmaids are married (and one of the others will be very soon), I really really don't like the term matron. It makes people sound like they are old, lonely, and own 30 cats. So, no offense to their husbands, but they are maids for the day :) I like my girls too much to make them sound old.
And of course, the cutest unofficial bridal party member ever: SLADE!
My Big Fat Mexican Wedding Post

August 23: My dad, brother, Ash, and Slade came up to have an engagement lunch with us. Dad brought my mom's wedding dress up from Victorville with him. We unpacked it and saw that it was amazingly preserved 28 (almost) years later. I decided if possible, I'd like to use my mom's veil. Well, once it's updated a bit.
September 4: Engagement party with Gram and Grandpa Tom
September 5: Bought my wedding dress!! Amazing day with amazing friends. Sorry, no pictures. Stephen sees this :)
September 13: Stephen, Mom, and I toured the Historic Hotel Woodland as a possible venue. Very pretty, food looked great.
September 22: Bridesmaid dress shopping with 5 out of 6 bridesmaids (Rebekah is in Colorado, so it's a little harder for her to come). Two of the girls ordered their dresses and the others have good ideas of what they want to get. Very successful trip.
September 24: Dad signed the contract and paid the deposit for the Chateau. It's officially ours on our wedding date: April 18, 2010. I also made us a wedding website this day. Our Wedding Website
September 25: Stephen and his mom went to meet with my dream photographer Charlotte Geary. I am so lucky to have a fiance who loves me so much that he works hard to see that I get what I really want, even if I've kind of given up on it. She's AMAZING. I've been following her work online longer than I've known Stephen and have always wanted her to take my wedding pictures. I figured between the cost of photos and travel expenses it'd be impossible, but Stephen always takes care of me and we're going to make it happen.
September 30: Due to the amazing generosity of my Aunt Lori and Uncle Bill, Stephen and I booked the lodging for our honeymoon. They gave us a week for a wedding present at the condo of our choice through their timeshare company. We'll be honeymooning in Kauai :) We're both very excited to go somewhere beautiful and tropical and relaxing. And for a whole week!! How lucky are we?
October 1: Signed the contract with Charlotte Geary and paid the retainer fee. Our wedding pictures are officially going to be the most amazing ever.

October 5: Mom and I went on the hunt for our cake topper. Operation Cake Topper was a success. Stephen got off work and we quickly got down to business building it :)
October 9: Stephen and I registered at Target. It was lots of fun. Mom was at Women's Retreat with church and bought me a hair comb to attach my (her) veil to. I gave it to Carol (who works with me and is awesome and crafty) the following Monday to take it off the Juliet cap Mom used and attach it to the comb Mom bought.
October 17: Stephen and I went to Men's Wearhouse and picked out the tuxes for the guys and set up our group account. The tux style is two button notch lapel. They'll be wearing black of course. The vests will be different, though and they will all have normal ties, not bowties. The groomsmen will have apple vests and ties. Stephen will have a white vest and black tie. The fathers will have a dark shade of silver vests and ties. We'll see what we can find for Slade, the unofficial member of the wedding party. He'll no doubt be up there, he just doesn't have an official job besides being ridiculously cute. Baby tuxes are pretty much adorable no matter what colors they are.
We also had a very busy ordering day that day! We ordered our toasting flutes and cake servers, my shoes, my slip, favor tags, and a sample of the invitation we're thinking of getting. We have since received the flutes, servers, and favor tags.

The toasting flutes say "Mr." on one and "Mrs." on the other in between the bands. The cake cutter and server say "Mr. and Mrs." down the handles. The shoes say MrsRabon on the red stripe :) I love them.

Other than that, we asked all of the members of our bridal party during this time. We also have an appointment with Charlotte for engagement portraits on November 7th at Garden of the Gods. I'm really excited for that.
There is breakfast calling my name (thanks Mom!) so I'll make a wedding party post sometime in the near future. This took me a very long time. Getting the html right was somewhat annoying.
As a side note, I did a 2.03 mile run yesterday. This makes my totals:
Since Restart: 6.29 miles
Since April 10: 100.58 miles